Updates, Drawing, and Bad Posture.. Oh my!
Hi. This is an area for me to just put my random things I am working on. I have a new drawing tablet coming in the mail this Friday. It has no updates for a couple days on tracking and like the anxious hedgehog that I am, I am worried. I hope it comes okay. We have issues with this delivery company, so I will be anxious until it is safely in my hands.
I have been learning a lot about shading lately. I have started working really hard on cell shading. Is it perfect? Absolutely not. It is progress though. You won't see the work until the March 19th episode, but you can see a sneak peak on my laundry drawing. That is on the art page (Maybe I should figure out how to add a search to the art page...), my blueksy, and my tumblr. Lots of places to find me.
I have been working on making my office more welcoming and a better place to be. I really want to get some LED lights to have some better lighting in here. I did get curtains to block out others being able to see in, and I got a monitor arm to free up space on my desk. So thats awesome! I really hope this can be a place that I am happy to come to. I want somewhere that I can work,and then I can leave here and go have "real life experience" time. I think it is important for people to have these areas and have a bit of a divide, although I think I am always drawing or working on something for the website, webcomic, or socials. I need a bit of a break soon. Maybe I'll read a book (John Green's "Everything is Tuberbulosis" comes out on the 18th I believe. I think that is a great time for me to spend some time reading that. I really like him as an author and I am excited to see more of his work.
I was super happy to see that my website comes up when you search "Hedgiecapped" on both google and bing! Thats awesome! I am so glad. I also see that I have about 1,500 page views. Wow! I am just hanging out, posting whatever I feel like. If you stumble across my site I'd love to hear from you in the guest book on the main page!
That's all from me tonight. Thanks for tuning in, I'll see y'all goobers around.
Edit to add: I tried to add a search function on the art page, and broke it. So its organized by the month and year I did the art. I hope that works ok. I also made another example of my shading attempts as the pancake imaage in March '25 section! Okay, bye.