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Hedgiecapped's Art Corner

Hello and welcome to my little burrow on the internet!

This is the home for my art, about me, and stories of my friends (especially my best buddy Bill. He's hiding all around this website!)

I hope you'll stick around and learn more about me and my pals!

This was created for desktop/computer use, it does work on mobile phone screens you just need to select "Desktop View" in the tab settings and fully zoom out!

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Current Status

Date Updated: 03-11-2025

Status: Keeping busy!
Emotion: Globby
Emoticon: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Movie: Probably still National Treasure
Show: Looking into animes
Current Music Vibes: I'm shuffling Paramore so I can get stuff done!
Project: Just finished episode 4, it'll be released on the 19th. New episode tomorrow :)
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03-11-2025: I added a blog. It's called Hedge-Blog. Like Hedgehog. Ha. Anywho, I'll include bigger updates there. I cannot promise how often that will be updated but its ok! I also fixed the art page. So now thats all ready to go! Enjoy!

03-06-2025: Hello everyone! This is gonna be a BIG update. I have been working hard. I have a linktree on my website now! I am planning to do a lot of typing and correcting today throughout the pages. I have a WEBCOMIC and its LIVE on two platforms. Tapas and Webtoons. You can find the links to these at: https://www.hedgiecapped.com/linktree I have also filled the about me page, I do think the lore page will have to wait a little while. Things are starting to come together. Also if you didn't notice... we have our own domain! We are now hedgiecapped.com! How exciting!!! Also, please be patient with the art page. I am going to take all the photos down so I can reupload the versions hosted through the website so they can load faster. Thanks for your patience.
Anywho!!! Please let me know what you think!

02-21-2025: I have worked really hard on the pages I have now! I have the lore page, but the hedgehog profiles are still a work in progress. The art page is up and running! THe about me needs me to fill in a lot of information but I am really bad at talking about myself. Stay tuned for that!

02-19-2025: Today I set up my website! I hope you enjoy it, though it is still a work in progress!

Welcome to my updates section! Here I'll post news and announcements about my latest artworks and projects.

Guest Book: Leave me a message here!